Total of 163 families linked to funeral home inquiry

Officers investigating Legacy Independent Funeral Directors are making contact with those affected.
2024-07-01 08:09:15

What we learned from IT expert at Post Office inquiry

Key moments from former Fujitsu engineer Gareth Jenkins' long-awaited appearance at the Post Office inquiry.
2024-06-29 12:07:35

Inquiry into alleged inmate and officer sex video

HM Prison Service said a former prison officer had been reported to police over the video.
2024-06-28 21:08:10

Police detectives join election betting inquiry

Detectives will take the lead in cases where the alleged offence goes beyond a breach of gambling rules.
2024-06-27 04:06:31

PM 'not aware' of other Tory candidates linked to betting inquiry

The prime minister says his party has launched an investigation alongside the Gambling Commission's inquiry.
2024-06-25 00:07:18

Horizon is robust, says ex-boss of postmasters' union

George Thomson tells an inquiry the real "scandal" is the Post Office failed to defend the system.
2024-06-21 15:11:13

Bates learned of knighthood at Post Office Inquiry

The campaigner had travelled to hear former CEO Paula Vennells give evidence when he received the news.
2024-06-15 01:07:26

Murder arrest made after missing woman's body found

Post Content
2024-06-13 15:09:58

Watch: Ex-Post Office chair Alice Perkins giving evidence at inquiry

Alice Perkins was chair during a critical period of the Post Office Horizon scandal from 2011 to 2015.
2024-06-05 11:36:03

Man in court over stab murder of woman on beach

Nasen Saadi is charged with murder and attempted murder after two women were stabbed on a beach at night.
2024-06-01 12:08:36

Man charged with stab murder of woman on beach

Nasen Saadi is charged with murder and attempted murder after two women were stabbed on a beach at night.
2024-05-31 23:06:43

1Xtra DJ reveals grandad was infected blood victim

Kaylee Golding says she's got closure after the infected blood inquiry found decades of failings.
2024-05-26 04:06:21

Ex-Post Office boss Vennells' 5 big inquiry moments

Ms Vennells gave testimony over three days, watched by those affected by the Post Office scandal.
2024-05-25 02:06:39

Post Office convictions to be quashed today as Vennells faces victims at inquiry

A law quashing sub-postmasters' convictions from the Horizon IT scandal was approved by Parliament on Thursday.
2024-05-24 11:12:44

Watch: Civil servant Simon Case in delayed Covid inquiry appearance

Case had been due to appear last year, but had to withdraw on health grounds in October.
2024-05-23 11:09:02

Pet owners may be paying too much for vets, says watchdog

The measure is one move the UK watchdog could take after it completes a formal inquiry into the sector.
2024-05-23 10:11:44

Ex-Post Office boss cries as she admits incorrect evidence

Paula Vennells broke down several times during her evidence to the Horizon IT scandal inquiry.
2024-05-22 19:08:01

Ex-Post Office boss cries as she admits incorrect evidence

Paula Vennells broke down several times during her evidence to the Horizon IT scandal inquiry.
2024-05-22 18:08:36

Ex-Post Office boss Paula Vennells arrives to give evidence at inquiry

Vennells, former chief executive of the Post Office, is now one of the most recognisable faces of the scandal.
2024-05-22 10:08:32

Nigeria's Panels of Inquiry: One mother's long road to justice

A Nigerian mother speaks to a police brutality inquiry about her missing son arrested 13 years ago.
2020-12-21 17:06:53

Philippines police officer charged over mother and son murder

Jonel Nuezca has been charged with shooting a mother and son in the head following a dispute.
2020-12-21 18:05:54

Giulio Regeni: Italy condemns Egypt for ruling out charges against police

Italian prosecutors had accused four Egyptian officers of the murder of a Cambridge student in 2016.
2020-12-31 13:06:24

Michaela McAreavey: Family vow to never give up on justice

John McAreavey says he feels "a sense of failure" 10 years on from the unsolved murder of his wife.
2021-01-08 18:05:59

'Ndrangheta group: Italy braces for biggest mafia trial in decades

Hundreds of people will face a judge following a major inquiry into the 'Ndrangheta criminal group.
2021-01-13 02:06:01

YFN Lucci: US rapper wanted in Atlanta for suspected murder

Police in Atlanta want to question YFN Lucci, 29, over a fatal shooting in the city last month.
2021-01-13 06:05:57

How Gambia is grappling with gruesome past under Yahya Jammeh

Gambia's truth commission has revealed tales of murder and torture that jar with Gambians' self image.
2021-01-17 03:06:58

Phil Spector: Pop producer jailed for murder dies at 81

Spector transformed pop music with his "wall of sound", but in 2009 was jailed for killing actress Lana Clarkson.
2021-01-17 18:05:59

Egy amerikai ügyvéd elmondta, hogyan lehet megúszni egy gyilkosságot

Az amerikai Tennessee állam legfelsőbb bírósága felfüggesztette egy ügyvéd engedélyét, miután egy ismerősének elmondta, hogy hogyan úszhat meg egy gyilkosságot ? jelentette a helyi sajtó. Winston B. Sitton még 2017-ben, a Facebookon osztotta meg, hogyan lehet úgy agyonlőni valakit, hogy után ne ítéljék el a tettest emberölésért. Az ügyvéd egy női ismerősének bejegyzésére válaszolt, aki megosztotta, hogy nagyon fél volt barátjától, akivel nemrég szakított, és attól tart, hogy zaklatni fogja. Sitton először azt tanácsolta neki, hogy vegyen egy elektromos sokkolót, vagy könnygázt, majd azt javas...
2021-01-27 16:05:40

Daniel Pearl: Pakistan court acquits men accused of murder

The Wall Street Journal journalist was kidnapped and beheaded while working on a story in Pakistan.
2021-01-28 14:05:56

Daniel Pearl: US 'outraged' after Pakistan's court acquits men accused of murder

The American journalist was abducted and beheaded while working on a story in Pakistan in 2002.
2021-01-29 02:05:57

Meghalt Cy Chermak forgatókönyvíró, tévéproducer

91 éves korában, pénteken elhunyt Cy Chermak, eredeti nevén Seymour Albert Chermak forgatókönyvíró, televíziós producer, írja a Variety. Nevéhez olyan produkciók fűződnek, mint a Kolchak: The Night Stalker, a CHiPs vagy az Ironside című sorozatok. Az 1929-ben, a New Jersey-ben született Chermak néven pályafutását 17 évesen kezdte Hollywoodban. Nem sokkal később már olyan sikeres televíziós sorozatok producereként dolgozott, mint a The Virginian című western és The Bold Ones: The New Doctors című kórházi sorozat. Chermak 1967 és 1974 között az Ironside című drámasorozat vezető producere volt, ...
2021-02-02 12:05:40

Hólapátolás közben összevesztek a szomszédok ? hárman haltak meg

Három halálos áldozatot követelő tragédiába torkollt egy szócsata Pennsylvaniában. Február 1-jén reggel 9-kor a Wilkes-Barre külvárosában található Plainsben egy Jeffrey Spaide nevű lakos épp havat lapátolt, és ugyanezzel a tevékenységgel foglalatoskodtak szomszédjai, James és Lisa Goy. A CNN cikke szerint Spaide nehezményezte, hogy Goyék átdobálják a havat az autóbeállójukról a ő telkére ? a szóváltás olyannyira elfajult, hogy a férfi bement a házába és egy maroklőfegyverrel jött vissza, majd többször rálőtt James Goyra és feleségére. Aztán ismét bement, egy gépfegyverrel a kezében tért viss...
2021-02-03 12:05:40

Stutthof camp: Woman, 95, accused of aiding Nazi mass murder

The woman was the secretary to the SS commandant of the Stutthof camp.
2021-02-05 18:05:51

Assassins: How CCTV gave Kim Jong-nam murder documentary added intrigue

Assassins director explains how crime scene footage finally emerged and led to his film.
2021-02-08 02:06:00

Abducted, trafficked or killed: The life of a sex worker in Sierra Leone

Africa Eye investigates the disappearance of a sex worker and uncovers abuse, trafficking and murder
2021-02-08 02:06:00

Dutch suspend foreign adoptions after abuses found

Officials in the Netherlands ignored child trafficking and other abuses, an inquiry finds.
2021-02-08 15:05:52

France's Marine Le Pen on trial for posting jihad atrocity images

The French far-right leader is accused of breaking hate speech laws for posting gruesome murder images.
2021-02-10 21:06:00

China Mac: From attempted murder to leading a protest movement

China Mac served 11 years in jail for attempted murder. Now he is leading an anti-racism movement.
2021-02-11 02:05:59

South Africa's Jacob Zuma in 'contempt of court', says judge

South Africa's ex-president ignores a summons to appear before an anti-corruption inquiry.
2021-02-15 20:05:58

Independent commission to investigate Capitol riots

US House of Representatives speaker Nancy Pelosi says it will be modelled on the 9/11 attacks inquiry.
2021-02-16 01:05:50

Bangladesh Avijit Roy murder: Five sentenced to die for machete attack on blogger

A court in Dhaka convicts a group of Islamist militants of the 2015 attack on a secular blogger.
2021-02-16 11:05:59

Kitalált egy gyilkosságot az ukrán férfi, hogy a rendőrség eldobja a havat az utcájában

Egy ukrán férfi kitalált gyilkossággal telefonált be a rendőrségre annak reményében, hogy a kiérkező járőrök majd eltakarítják a havat az utcájában, amikor mennek letartóztatni őt, közölték a helyi hatóságok. Az Euronews beszámolója szerint a férfi szombat éjjel tárcsázta a segélyvonalat azzal, hogy halálra verte az anyja partnerét. Hozzátette azt is, hogy áldozata nem ad életjelet, közölte Yulia Kovtoun, Csernyihiv város rendőrségének szóvivője. A férfi azt javasolta a rendőröknek, vigyenek magukkal hókotrót is, mert másként nem fognak eljutni a házhoz. A hatóságok ugyanakkor egy terepjáróva...
2021-02-16 20:05:40

Thai child modelling agent charged over child sex abuse images

A police raid unearths more than 500,000 indecent images of children after an international inquiry.
2021-02-16 21:05:51

Peace court: Colombia army 'behind 6,400 extrajudicial killings'

The figure given by a court of inquiry is almost three times higher than previous estimates.
2021-02-18 21:07:03

Malcolm X family demands reopening of murder investigation

A letter from an ex-policeman alleges that New York police and the FBI conspired in the 1965 murder.
2021-02-21 18:05:59

Tshegofatso Pule murder: Boyfriend charged over death of pregnant 28-year-old

Ntuthuko Ntokozo Shoba is accused of planning Tshegofatso Pule's murder and paying the killer.
2021-02-22 19:05:59

Daphne Caruana Galizia murder: Suspect pleads guilty

The famed investigative journalist was assassinated in 2017 in a car bomb by her home.
2021-02-23 17:06:02

Security officials testify Capitol rioters 'came prepared for war'

Officials are testifying at the first public inquiry into the 6 January riot by a pro-Trump mob.
2021-02-23 18:05:59

Trump?s taxes: Why they matter to a criminal probe

A criminal inquiry in Donald Trump's financial affairs gained momentum this week. Here's why.
2021-02-23 23:05:56

Jamal Khashoggi: US to release declassified report on murder

Joe Biden plans to speak to the Saudi king as the report into the journalist's murder goes public.
2021-02-25 12:06:08

Jamal Khashoggi: US to release declassified report on murder

Joe Biden plans to speak to the Saudi king as the report into the journalist's murder goes public.
2021-02-25 12:06:16

Daphne Caruana Galizia: Fresh charges over murder of Maltese journalist

Two men are charged with supplying the bomb that killed Daphne Caruana Galizia in 2017.
2021-02-25 18:05:51

Jamal Khashoggi: Biden raises human rights in call with Saudi king

The murder of exiled Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi in 2018 continues to overshadow relations.
2021-02-26 00:06:03

Jamal Khashoggi: How intelligence report could dent US-Saudi ties for years

The release of the US intelligence probe into the Khashoggi murder deepens diplomatic difficulties.
2021-02-26 20:06:06

Jamal Khashoggi: US says Saudi prince approved Khashoggi killing

An official report says Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman approved the journalist's murder.
2021-02-26 20:06:06

US enacts 'Khashoggi Ban' on 76 Saudi individuals

2021-02-26 23:28:32

South African corruption inquiry wants Zuma jailed for two years after no-show

A South African inquiry into corruption during Jacob Zuma's time in power is seeking the former president's imprisonment for two years, after he defied a summons and court order to appear and give evidence.
2021-02-26 23:28:34

Suspect in Daphne Caruana Galizia murder pleads guilty

Vincent Muscat, one of the three suspects accused of the murder of Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia, has pleaded guilty, according to a statement released Tuesday by the Daphne Caruana Galizia Foundation.
2021-02-27 00:06:46

Suspect in Daphne Caruana Galizia murder pleads guilty

Vincent Muscat, one of the three suspects accused of the murder of Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia, has pleaded guilty, according to a statement released Tuesday by the Daphne Caruana Galizia Foundation.
2021-02-27 00:06:47

The Dissident: Jamal Khashoggi documentary points finger at Saudi Arabia's crown prince

The Dissident explores what happened to the Saudi journalist and who might have ordered his murder.
2021-02-27 02:06:41

Police using DNA to uncover over 30-yr-old murder

2021-02-27 23:07:09


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